Learn EMDR Addiction Protocols: Impulse Control Disorder Protocol and Anderson protocol for Urge and Craving reduction
Utilize the DES Assessment, when to refer out based on results, how to effectively treat dissociation in session (one of the biggest missed clinical issues in treatment)
Describe effective Resourcing with addiction
Use EMDR to Target: Shame, trauma arousal trauma repetition, trauma blocking, entitlement, deprivation, overcompensation, sexual anorexia
Discuss 8 phase protocol & how to work most effectively with addictions
Implement effective "Front loading" techniques for the traumatized brain (Relapse Prevention Planning)
Create "Safety" as the catalyst & impetus for deeper recovery outcomes
Identify EMDR targets from the results of the PTSIR
Identify targets for partner and addict in recovery utilizing the Karpman Triangle and use EMDR to maximize the effectiveness of the Disclosure process from preparation to the aftermath.
Describe self-care techniques that support recovery and ways to advance recovery